some of you know that I was a soundtech for 13 years in one of my past lifes. While surfing the net I found two videos of Bands I was touring with before. What cracked me up is that some guys out there changed the music and the video. They did it in a great professional way and it is really ammusing.

It is German, so most of you guys may not understand. The first band is Rammstein and is international well known. In the video the guy who did it used the lyrics of Haindling, a guy who is since 20 years on the road in Bavaria/Germany and is famous for using weird instuments singing in Bavarian slang.

The second video is Haindling but the video producer took a Rammstein song as a kind of Revenge. In my opinion he did a hell of a job and I can’t stop smiling. One of the reasons I put them up here is also that some of my German friends dropping by here at and as they don’t surf the web like I do I want to share it with them and all of you. I hope you guys enjoy.