I had the urge to get some messy food, and a-kind-of Mexican food always does the trick to me. I heard about Beth´s Kitchen in Dumaguete, which are supposed to have some decent stuff to cater my cravings. It has been a while that I got my girls together for a food trip, so I packed the three ladies in our car on an early evening to go downtown. Beth´s Kitchen is located along Santa Catalina Street, a stone-throw south of the City Hall.
Beth`s Kitchen Experience
As we were early, we had no problem finding a parking space for our car just 50 meters away from the place. It is a kind of whole-in-the-wall place, but they made it pretty cozy. We were the only guests and they just switched on the aircon. It was working fine and just after a few minutes the temperature was very convenient.

Our order at Beth`s Kitchen
When we go out, we usually order a whole table full of food. Easier said than done, as we were confronted with some typical “Out-of-stock”. There is certainly no restaurant in Dumaguete, where “Out-of-stock” is not on the menu. It just comes in different forms and variations.
This time, there was no beef for the beef tacos, However, there was beef for the beef burger. We were also not able to order 3 tacos, they were out of stock. However, we could order 2x 2 tacos… Or we could order the platter, where there are 3 tacos on it…. But keep in mind, no beef tacos, that is only available for the burger.
However, we still were able to order a lot of food, as you can see in the pictures. That included a Mexican beef burger, nachos, some chicken tacos (because no beef), some chimichanga, the Mexican platter 2 and for good measure a Mexican pizza.
How Mexican is Mexican food in Dumaguete
Now, there is the problem, as I am no `Murican, and after reading some Dumaguete Expat Groups, they are the only ones capable to judge Mexican food in Dumaguete. And even all is perfect, they would come up, that the Guacamole had flaws towards the bottom of the small quack-bowl.
So, I leave it to the real murican tex-mex food geeks to “Judge the Guack“. As for us, we were happy with what we had on our plates. It was messy, it was filling, and no dish was a failure.
The order came a bit messed up, but that is normal for Dumaguete. The word “Starter” means nothing to restaurants here. But with that kind of food, it does not really matter, as all is a big mess, in the most positive way.
Beth`s Kitchen video:
We had a good time, were stuffed and had almost the complete Pizza as a take out for cold breakfast the next day. Now the only question which remains open… how was the quack???
Cheers without beef