One talent that most promoters & managers have is telling people how messed up situations are in the nicest and most positive way! If you must know, the Greet Day 2020 Concert in Manila was supposed to be the very first concert I paid for…and would have been the first real concert I would have attended. Sadly, this will never happen because Green Day 2020 in Manila, Philippines is POSTPONED! But, we will still be going to Manila this March 14, 2020. Here’s a little story of how bought tickets, that would turn up to be cancelled due to Coronavirus. That’s right read on!
Buying of Green Day 2020 Concert Tickets (SUCH A NIGHTMARE!!!) 👿
Since we live in Dumaguete (which is in the Philippines), it was almost impossible to get a concert ticket without losing all nerves. I made an SM Ticket account at last November 2019 in order to buy a ticket. I chose my section, my seat and then proceed to pay. Everything seemed perfectly fine and it made me excited. Unfortunately, a pop-up box shows up saying that I need to contact my bank to update my contact number. I did not want to change or update my contact number so, I thought it was a glitch in their system. So, I tried a couple more times.

I finally got in touch with my bank, to find what was the matter. I messaged them on November 02, 2020 and they responded to me on November 09, 2020. 5 DAYS AFTER?!?! To this point my dad and I (who are both having the same problems with online tickets) were pissed off. After a few more days, we finally got some help from a costumer service in Manila. We told her our “updated” contact number which was our current phone numbers. We logged in the SM Ticket website and bought out tickets. FINALLY, it worked! I was excited that I almost forgot how frustrated it was to buy them.
Since I bought my tickets online, there were two ways I could have gotten them in my hands. I could either go to Manila during the day of the concert and get them at the booth. Fly to any SM Mall (since Dumaguete City does not have one) and get it there. Fortunately, there was another door that opened which made the whole thing a little better.

First Concert Tickets I Held
A few weeks after we bought our tickets, SM Ticket website showed that Iron Maiden & Baby Metal will be playing at the Pulp Summer Slam 2020 on Manila. If you should know one thing about Dive Monster Senior Rhoody, he loves music…specially rock…most especially IRON MAIDEN!!! He bought his tickets online and booked his flight to Cebu (the closes SM Mall) as soon as possible. Flying to Cebu he was to get our tickets.
By the month of December 2019, the breakout of the virus in Wuhan China started to make it to the media. Honestly, this did not affect us much. On January & February 2020, it started to shake some grounds as the spread of the Novel Coronavirus has hit internationally. On February 27, 2020, Green Day Tour website announced that they will postpone the show due to health & travel concerns. Add to that, several shows all over Asia were canceled thanks to Coronavirus. The Scorpions which was set to play in Manila this March 07, 2020 is completely cancelled. Avril Lavigne also postponed her Asia stops due to the virus with a sweet message “Please everybody take care of yourselves and stay healthy”.
Despite this very distressing event, we decided to design a shirt in dreams of Green Day ever performing in Manila again. Keep your humor up and buy one today! Get our limited edition of Coronavirus Black T-Shirts (Shop Here).

Since we booked our flights with Cebu Pacific (and they don’t do too well with refunds), we decided to go this March 14, 2020 to have a 1-day holiday in Manila. Touring around the city, maybe go to a zoo or park, dining out, and hopefully still savor the one day where we were supposed to be singing “Holiday”, “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” and so much more. But I guess the most fitting song we can say for this article will be “When I Come Around”. Soon Green Day…we hope you come around soon!!!
Stay in tune for our Day Trip in Manila.