With helping to run Dumagueteinfo.com it is part of my job to announce events and other stuff when I get the information.
a few days ago Alex the manager of Edelweiss (a austrian pub in Dumaguete) informed me that they have a Elvis-performance this coming weekend and asked me if I can put it up on the Board. Sure, no problem, I visited him to get a file with pictures and the poster.
It has been designed by a local shop (and one of the biggest). I have no Idea what the task of the designer was, but I assume his job was: How many mistakes can you make in one design 🙂 or maybe how many fonts can I squeeze in one poster … or maybe it was a ” wow, what-does-that-photoshop-icon-means?-job
… or the shop forwarded the task to a local elementary school as a grade 1 – project …
whatever, I hope Alex did not have to pay for that…
never mind, at least it made me smile and tought me which shop NOT to go if I ever need a disgn…