Just had a call the other day from Mike of the Adventure Diveshop if I can help out to teach some PADI Scuba Diver Course or Open Water Course at his Resort, Mikes Dauin Beach Resort. He had a group from China and some enrolled into the Advanced Course, while others did a discover Scuba Diving Experience. One of then, Shiu, decided to go on with the Open Water Course and became my “victim”.

When arriving at the Resort in Dauin, Mike introduced me to my Student and her Boyfriend “Miller” who made with Mike the “AOW”. We only had 2 days and I quickly figured out a few tiny problems. Shiu didn’t really speak any English and of course enjoyed her stay at the Resort what is not really helpful when it comes to study in advanced. So the theory was not really at that point I was hoping.

“Miller” had the job to translate all my explanations and the Exam into Chinese and Shiu answered him what he had to translate to me. That was a pretty new experience to me and of course slows down the course quite a bit. Anyway, The PADI course standards allow me to go into the confined water sessions quickly and after gearing up, Shiu, Miller and I entered the Pool at Mikes Resort.

Shiu was really great in the Water and got all the skills of that session mastered without any major problems.  Mike was able to organize the Open Water Quizzes in Chinese and Miller was again the translator for all questions, answers and Explanations. The time went by fast and when the sun settled we decided to call it a day. Shiu had still a lot to study and needed a rest badly.

On next morning she had chapter 3 done and we could continue with our waterwork. Running out of time we made the decision to leave it with the PADI Scuba Diver Course and make one fun-dive. That way Miller was able to go finish his Advanced Course with Mike on that dive.

The couple went after their stay in Dauin for a few days to Bohol, so Shiu could either gain a bit more experience as a PADI Scuba Diver or go ahead to upgrade to the Open Water Diver certification.

It was a quite new experience for me teaching that way and as a  picky German I made sure Shiu meets all requirements. I am well aware that other Instructors would have pushed her through to the whole Open Water Course but I sometimes simply can’t agree with that. My Name will be on the certification card and there is no way that I want that on a diver’s C-Card where I am not really satisfied.

A word about the PADI Scuba Diver:

The PADI Scuba Diver is about half of the Open Water Course and includes 3 confined and 2 Open Water dives.  A PADI Scuba Diver is limited to 12 meters maximum depth and can only dive with a dive Professional (Divemaster or higher).

We usually try to get students to the OW certification, but if they have limited time or simply need a bit more experience before being able to dive independently with a buddy, the PADI Scuba diver is the perfect certification. The teaching material is the same as in the OW course, so the student can use all his books when deciding to go for the Open Water certification after gaining more experience.

Yes, diving is fun but at the end of the day, we diver go into an environment we don’t belong naturally and I strongly believe that it is my responsibility to create divers who can not only go diving but also know what they do and be able to return. The PADI Scuba Diver is perfect for people with limited time or those who are just not used to the wet environment and need to gain more confidence and experience.

