Hi!!!!Readers!!!! im Maldita, and again i’m here for being makulit but still honest just for some points…. he!!he!!..

i was walking in the boulevard going to pier to buy some tickets for me, my daughter and my boy friend, because, we’re going to Bohol for a quick visit to  a very cute and shy creature, its called Tarsier  and to see the view of the chocolate hills,…How i wish it would be nice trip and really sunny day… not like now its cold and no really sunshine this morning….  by the way it’s  would be my first visit to Bohol, and see the beautiful view of the chocolate hills…  thanks for this Valentines date,

My boy friend surprise me when he told me last night to buy tickets. see how sweet he is just for sometimes…. he!!!he!!!

last time my boyfriend was there, in Bohol he took a lot of photos and he show some picture of the tar shier and my daughter  says “wow, its so cute  like mama” and my boyfriend says yeah!!! its has really big eyes and they’re small..hmmm…. i’m used to my boyfriend teasing me it’s always anyway .. and its ok for me… to be honest, i miss if sometime he don’t tease me, because its not his nature…..

but i dont show to him if i get angry coz then he would be happy and it gives him more reason to tease me…