by Rhoody | Aug 18, 2011 | Diving Stories
I guess once in a while everybody goes through some days or weeks where things are just messed up and one is pretty much pissed off with everything, work sucks, it is cloudy and rains each time I wanna go out, Internet connection is lousy that adult-movies don’t run...
by Rhoody | Sep 11, 2009 | Diving Stories
This part of the story is about the BIG DIVE, how Dave Shaw and Don Shirley called the try to recover the dead body of the young Deon Dryer. All preparation is done and it was the day to do something no human being did before. What happens down the bottom in Bushmans...
by Rhoody | Aug 29, 2009 | Diving Stories
In Part 4 of Raising the Dead it is all about the last days before the “Big Dive”. The last words of Dave Shaw to his wife; the arrival in South Africa, the preparation at Bushmans hole and the last briefing with his crew…. with words which became...
by Rhoody | Aug 16, 2009 | Diving Stories
This is the 3rd part of raising the dead. I want to mention again that it is a copy-paste. In this part you can read where Dave Shaw comes from and how he got into extreme-diving. When he met Don Shirley and how they became partners on numerous adventures. Raising the...