Beth´s Kitchen – Mexican Food in Dumaguete

Beth´s Kitchen – Mexican Food in Dumaguete

I had the urge to get some messy food, and a-kind-of Mexican food always does the trick to me. I heard about Beth´s Kitchen in Dumaguete, which are supposed to have some decent stuff to cater my cravings. It has been a while that I got my girls together for a food...
52 Minutes for a Sorry Siiiirrr

52 Minutes for a Sorry Siiiirrr

It is not really a secret that many people in this country I reside at present are overwhelmed with the challenges every day puts in their path.  And let’s be honest, with an average IQ of only 86 it is 3rd grader math that half of the population is in the area...
3 Days in Singapore

3 Days in Singapore

After the first day in the Marina Bay area and a more or less good night of sleep, we got up around 7am to have a shower and hit the road again. Breakfast was at one of the many Indian street kitchens in the neighborhood. I simply love some different kind of their...

Street-Food in the PI

Food is a big thing in the Philippine Islands. During the last few years I tasted a lot of strange things. Many dishes were over delicious. I never found a list if local dishes and even the following is for sure not complete. It gives a rough overview about the local...