Family Rescuer & Daisy the Cat Whisperer

Family Rescuer & Daisy the Cat Whisperer

We sadly haven’t been out diving much this last few days and week since our dear old friend had a little accident. He already had his surgery and is now undergoing physical therapy and recovery. While he stays in the hospital for recovery, being a good friend, I took...
My Kids on Siquijor in 1 Day

My Kids on Siquijor in 1 Day

Some of you may know by now that my Missus has 2 lovely kids. While they are physically not mine, they are my absolute pride. They both developed into great young adults with each of them developing a great personality. On a little bit quieter the other one a little...

A great week of non-diving in Dumaguete

Sometimes things are happening where you just don’t calculate with. So it was last week… Due to some family issues Rechel needed to fly to Manila and left me alone with the little one. So here Rhoody sits with a 8 year old Makulit girl in his house in Batinguel and...

Daisy the Picture Monster

I don’t know if it is political correct to make a website for an 8 year old girl with the website address, but to be honest, I absolutely don’t care. I bought this domain and weather Daisy will use it for her diary, it is mine and I would have...