
Here I lay again, in my wonderful hammock in my veranda in lovely Dumaguete. It’s about 6 pm and I need too get my high blood down. High blood, why ? … cause I am flrnucking pissed off with some persons at the Globe Office in Dumaguete and the great job of the...

Dumaguete Hotel pt2

The demand for a nice hotel when coming to Dumaguete is getting bigger almost each month here. During high season it’s hard to find something up to date and most places are fully booked. Since a couple of weeks is a new Hotel quite central in Dumageute City....

Rhoodys Project UHU

A week ago or so I was writing about depression or something… It all happened in the middle of a cold or fever I caught. Being sick and feeling dizzy all the time just turned out to go into the second week now. I already feel way better than before and made my first...

Pinoy Big Brother and Trip na Trip in Dumaguete

Pinoy Big Brother is in the Phillipines a big thing, maybe even bigger than in most parts of the world. The finalists will be hero’s for a long time and won’t be forgotten after a few weeks. In this case Jason and Uma, the winner or finalists or whatever...

Necys Restobar Dumaguete

Last Friday I was helping out with the soundsystem in Edelweiss for the Elvis show. (A few pictures here: Elvis in Dumaguete) After he ended his show I heard a band playing at the neighborhood in a  Outdoor Restobar Disco kinda thingy. When coming closer I heard they...